Christ is risen! He is risen indeed!

On the day we call Good Friday, Jesus Christ, against whom no fault could be found, for never in his life did he do anything wrong, was nailed to a wooden cross and left to die. But death didn’t claim Jesus; the Bible tells us that he gave up his spirit.
Neither did the grave hold its claim over the Son of God. That’s what Easter is all about. When his broken-hearted friends went to Jesus’ grave three days later, they were met by an angel who told them, ‘Don’t be alarmed … You are looking for Jesus the Nazarene, who was crucified. He has risen! He is not here.’
Do you believe that? It was the last thing in the world the authorities of the day wanted to believe. To disprove the resurrection, they only needed to produce the dead body of Jesus. But they couldn’t do that because he wasn’t dead. The angel spoke the truth – Jesus Christ is alive!
bracken fires in April dryness
victim of sun and shard of glass
embers of hillside
acrid air
a death-long day’s work
charred branches
claw heaven
with their why
rain reduces the hillside to tears
that in their flowing
wash away streaks of ash
freeing a solitary shoot
of Easter green
Written for the Scottish Fellowship of Christian Writers and used by kind permission.