The world is in the midst of an identity crisis at every level. No wonder it resembles the stormy sea depicted in Revelation, out of which every strange beast arises to rule over men. The only authentic Being who is eternally the same, is the creator God from whom we, and all else, derive our being.
The only hope of authentic life is to walk with the Spirit of Truth, the gift of our heavenly Father to those who love and trust His Son.
Jesus, the King of the Jews, died to witness to this truth, saying He alone is the Way, the Truth and the Life. We can only know this truth if we are prepared to die with Him to our self-regulated and self-absorbed lives.
The danger is that we are too blind to see the danger we are in if we don't. Man's self-confidence in deciding his own identity and destiny is fatal and he is too blind to see it.
Margaret Coles