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For two thousand years the world has been living in a fog of untruth about God and His chosen Hebrew people, symbolised by the true olive tree, into which converts from the gentile nations have been grafted, as Paul taught. Believing descendants of Abraham will include those of every tongue, tribe and nation.

Identity is the burning issue of our time. Rejecting our identity as made in the image of God, man cannot discern his place in the world, nor understand his future. Jesus warned of coming deception more than anything else. It is no surprise that a state of chaos, induced by lawlessness, is now reigning. No wonder God is shaking the nations out of their deadly sleep of complacency. Men are crying out for true leaders whose ears are open to their cries of despair. We need a Messiah who will bring the fulness of God’s kingdom to earth, accomplishing His just rule, overturning the political order born of man's greed and corruption, much as He did in the temple, His Father’s house of prayer for all nations.

The Magnificat, prophetically sung by Mary, will finally come to pass. The announcement of coming peace and joy, given by the angels to the shepherds, will finally be accomplished.

It is His coming again to rule in power that we should pray for above all. The closing words of Scripture end on this note of longing. "The Spirit and the Bride say 'Come'." Is this the cry of your heart too? It is the one most sure to be answered.

Written by Margaret Coles


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