Daffodils & Tulips
There are some daffodils already in bloom. Poor things! Even in rough weather the wind has them dancing in the most engaging way. They twist and turn, bending with the wind and bouncing upright again when it eases. Watching winter daffodils is like watching March hares. If you’ve ever seen them, I think you’ll know what I mean!
My mother used to wrap tulips in newspaper, put them back into their water-filled vase to keep them upright overnight and then unwrap them next morning. Some folk even wire them! Daffodils needed no such support. They are able to stand up for themselves.
To my eye daffodils and tulips are polar opposites and I can express that best in a poem.
regimental tulips
regimental tulips
stand to attention
guarding the honour
of spring
can hardly blow their trumpets
for cavorting in the wind
skirts barely decent
on-duty tulips
don’t stand easy
till retirement
weary of parade
they relax in blowsy shamelessness
but the daffodils
are not there to see them
they died . . .